Cheat : All dreamkeys: Pause the game in the house hub, then hold Select and press Circle, L1, L2, L1, L2.
All Winks: Pause the game in the house hub, then hold Select and press Left, Down, Right, Right, Right.
Full cogs: Pause the game at any place, then hold Select and press Down, R2, L1, Up, R2.
Reset lives: Pause the game at any place, then hold Select and press L1, Up, Right, L2, Up.
Reset moons: Pause the game at any place, then hold Select and press Up, L2, Left, R2, Left.
Reset Zzz''s: Pause the game at any place, then hold Select and press Right, L1, Up, R1, L1.
Big head mode: Pause game play, then hold Select and press L1, Up, Right, L2, Up. Release Select. Then, hold Select again and press then press L1, Up, Right, L2, Up.